Appear Downloading code using XMODEM with. Menu and upload the file 'SRW2xxG4_FW_1.2.3.0.ros' using XMODEM. When it stuck on downloading code using XMODEM . So (I'm using TeraTerm) under Setup ->Serial Port, set the baud rate to match whatever you. Srw2024 Downloading Code Using Xmodem 1k. It shows this message in my console: Exit from boot menu.
Since then I cannot get any image to boot and cannot install a new one despite many attempts with XMODEM.The switch is hardware version 1.1 with Boot image 'BOOT Software Version Built 0 09:48:10' I've tried installing a new boot image via XMODEM: Similar Messages: Cisco Switches:: SRW2016 Software Upgrade / Recovery I recently acquired a used SRW2016 in perfect working order (I checked it) and then made the mistake of trying to update the software image.